Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Samples of Poems Extracted from "Nelson Mandela’s Poetic Biography: How to Live Before You Die - Experience Leadership Academy, Best Business Quotes and Freedom Struggle"

Robben Island: Invictus / Unconquered

I am Rolihlahla Mandela
I am Nelson Mandela
I am the First Accused
I am ready to die for my people’s freedom and rights
Though my body may be locked in this cell, by these walls,
My mind roams free all over South Africa
These walls and this prison cannot contain the people’s ideas
Freedom beckons them.
I am Rolihlahla Mandela
I am Nelson Mandela
I told P.W. Botha and F. W. de Klerk that my people yearned to be free
I negotiated with them behind the walls of Robben Island
Even though I had my hands tied behind my back, even though the arduous work load would become unbearable, I did not lose hope
Breaking rocks days in and days out was not a picnic


Book Review

Tables of Content
1, Purest Form of Gold: A Long Journey to Freedom Day
2. What is like to be Free? Nelson Mandela’s Freedom
3, Awupatha: We Shall Not Be Dominated
4. Robben Island
5. Life Celebration
6. Tribute to all the Comrades:
Mandela Pays Tribute to the Martyrs of the Struggle
7. Rolihlahla, the “Troublemaker” for the Right Cause
8. Robben Island: Thrown into the Heart of Darkness
9. Robben Island: From Darkness to Light
10. Men Made of Gold: My Respect and Tribute
11. God Bless Africa!
12. Apartheid: The Idiocy of It All
13. Bullies’ Indignities: Down with all Bullies
14. Time to Breathe Fresh

Purchase a PDF copy of this ebook now

Purchase a copy of "Nelson Mandela's Poetic Biography: How To Live Before You Die - Experience Leadership Academy, Best Business Quotes and Freedom Struggle" from Barnes and Noble now

Purchase a copy of this book "Nelson Mandela's Poetic Biography: How to Live Before You Die, Experience Leadership Academy, Best Business Quotes and Freedom Struggle right here

Bullies’ Indignities: Down with all Bullies

Think again if you thought bullies had a tough skin. They are paper mache
Like cheetahs that stalk their prey, soon they give up the chase
And when confronted by alpha lions or even hyenas, they leave their kill or target
Like hyenas and vultures, bullies are opportunistic scavengers
Bullies do not have the stomach to fight a protracted fight because they know they are wrong. Sooner or later, they will crack under the pressure and spotlight
Bullies have a brittle but fragile exterior. They lack the moral standards
They are show horses. Clydesdale horses they are not!
Bullies are boys or girls in transition. They are spoiled brats who need discipline and guidance
Put them in front of natural hardships. They’ll crumble like sheets of paper
The natural men live in harmony with their surroundings. They share, support, mentor, and nurture the young minds
True men have natural obligations and bring honor to their birthplace
They build stuff with their hands and mind. They hunt, build a fire, roast a pig or a goat, eat the ears of corns from their garden
True men sit around under the stars to tell tales, boast about their conquests and prowess. Long live the natural men and women among us!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Two New Books of Poetry for your Kindle: "California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights" and "The Long Lost Garden of Eden"

The re-release of two new books of poetry for your Kindle:


"California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights: Golden Vignettes From Big Sur, Pacific Coast Highway, California Scenic Highway 1 to Yosemite and Highway 99" is a book of poetry that focuses on the diversity of the people, the beauty of the land, bounty of agricultural products, entertainment industry, Pacific Coast beaches, and natural infrastructures and resources such as Big Sur, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Scenic Highway 1, San Francisco Bridge etc. These poems compel you to meditate on all the common things that tend to show our interdependence and sameness. Poems such as 'Abrahamic Promise,' 'Bridges of California,' 'Autumn's Bare Limbs,' 'Cry Over Manzanar,' 'Pastoral Delights,' 'Freeway and Highway Crosses,' 'Harvesting Delights and Fall Transition,' 'Open Range...,' 'Roosting Marvels, Roosting Headache,' 'Tamales for the Holidays' are among those that will strike a personal chord with most of you.

California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights: Golden Vignettes From Big Sur, Pacific Coast Highway, California Scenic Highway 1 to Yosemite and Highway 99

Purchase a PDF Copy of the whole book right here:

You can also purchase this ebook at Amazon.com. Download it to your kindle or your computer!

This book is an eclectic collection of poems and short essays on California's people and landscape, wine, beach and car culture. Wordsworth summarizes my poetic affinity, "Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility." California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights deals with this expansive, rich and fertile landscape in a way that readers will quickly recognize the important landmarks, features and attributes of the Golden state. It pinpoints areas of appreciation and highlights important cultural contributions and activities of the various ethnic and minority groups forming this new frontier, Central California. "Our hills and farmland are blooming with new houses and commercial buildings bordering fields of grazing cows." This is an uplifting and thought-provoking work.

Buy This Book Here:

Purchase a copy of the new edition of "California Blooms, Blossoms, and Harvest Delights" from Amazon Kindle now


The Long Lost Garden of Eden is a tribute to the fruit growers of the Central Valley of California and all other agriculture-derived industries. Mr. Charles remains true to his upbringing deeply rooted in agribusiness. This book is the result of his keen observations and 12-year research into what makes the San Joaquin Valley one of the most fertile lands in the country. His poems will give you a glimpse of the Central Valley's diversity. His research has culminated into the realization that the Central Valley of California, locked between Southern and Northern California, is the fruit basket of the world. This collection will engage your mind and soul. It will provoke deep reflection that will lead to enlightenment, positive attitude and spiritual renewal. The themes of these poems are universal. Artistic appreciation, hope, beauty, love, loss, hard work, self-improvement, despair, migration, and drought are all themes anybody can relate to, irrelevant of their origins and taste.

Buy this book now: Buy a copy of the new edition of "The Long Lost Garden of Eden" from Kindle now.

Buy this new, updated edition of the book now: Buy a copy of the new edition of "The Long Lost Garden of Eden" from Kindle now.

The Long Lost Garden of Eden:

Email Delivery of PDF copy of "The Long Lost Garden of Eden."