Friday, January 22, 2010

Morning Glories by Diana Martinez

Morning Glories
by Diana Martinez

The purple morning glories with its yellow star
Climbed the black wire fence.
The black wire fence that was dumped
in the alley way where my father found it
and nailed it to front of the house.
It was framed by the thick green leaves
and purplish flowers that closed at night.

Each night, the fragrance of the morning glories would come and scent the air.
It wasn't sweet like the star jasmine on the other side of the house.
Or as lovely as the white delicate magnolia blossoms
whose petals would brown at the slightest touch .

But the morning glories did their own dance.
It would twist itself to sleep, closing its soft purple petals
Into a tight spiral, keeping out the night.
Before I could wake the next morning
and see them unfurl their purple petals,
they would open
as if they were never closed.

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